Q: What do I do if my order has a discrepancy?
A: When there is an order discrepancy or if you have received a damaged package, we will honor them if they are reported to us within 12 business days of the delivery.
Q: How can I cancel an order?
A: If you need to cancel your order, please call us immediately. Often we process your order immediately, so the sooner you contact us the more likely we can stop the shipment from being sent out. If the shipment has already been processed for departure, once you receive the items you may return them at your expense.
Q: What type of items are non-returnable / non-refundable?
A: Opened Personal Care Items, All Special Order Items, All Custom Items, Electrotherapy Units once used (Product must be in new re-sellable condition, safety seals unopened), Anything opened, used, or tried-on, Incontinence Products, Respiratory (Compressors / Nebulizers, Oxygen & CPAP Masks and tubing), Needles and Syringes, IV Solutions and Administration Sets, Adhesive Bandages, Sterile Products, Expired Medical Items, Anything that has come in contact with bodily fluids